Bob Marley’s Mellow Mood Drinks

I love this stuff.

Im addicted to the black tea version of this product. No not because ‘it gets you high’, but because it is a good summer drink (with summer around the corner) I also love tea and bob, and i love love LOVE the idea of an anti-energy drink. I cannot undertand why anyone would take that 5 hour energy and drink all those monster and shit. wtf?  nasty.

Now this stuff and products like it (drank, lazy cakes, etc) rely on the chemical melatonin which is a natural chemical that is realeased into your brain when your body senses the sun go down. They also use valarian root, and chamomile, among other things just to fool you into thinking its the herbs that make you sleepy. That said Valarian, and Chamomile ARE excellent herbs and should be kept around the house at all times if you have anxiety or are high strung, it really does help take the edge off a lot, without any chance of getting you ‘high’.

I have tried all three varieties i can find so i will go in order of best to worst.

#1 (BEST)

Black Tea – Peach/Raspberry and Passion Fruit – Hell of a flavor list but this is my favorite for sure. Awesome smooth not too powerful taste not too sweet, no caffiene (nor with any of them) Best tasting of them all by FAR.

#2 (GOOD)

Green  Tea- This flavor did not impress me so much, just kind of weak. Its like a watered down version of the lipton green iced tea that you can get at the gas station coolers. Not bad, and thirst quenching for sure.


BERRY –  This tastes like an energy drink only less chemica/herb/wierdshit taste to it but still kind of like an energy drink. The only advantage to this stuff is that it comes in small red-bull sized cans so you can down a bunch of them faster for more effect.


So thats what i think. I drink it every day and crave it when i dont have it which makes me wonder whats in it thats NOT on the label at all lol but no this stuff is awesome they have a fan for life in me.


REVIEW: Primo NUGZ (cotton candy scent) Potpourri from Domestic Oddities

Ok, i just paid 42 dollars for  2.(POINT)5  grams of herbal potopourri, got it in the mail today. It better be the best shit on earth for that price is all i can say.

This stuff is pretty cool. Packaging looks great, product smelled great, and looked ok. Good Aroma that if you could taste a smell would taste fucking amazing. No doubt Domestic Oddities works hard on their products, they are impressively well crafted… But.. Its hella harsh tho, if you get too close to your incence/potpourri burner and get a lungful lol. And by harsh i mean super stemmy schwag harsh, just with an awesome aroma.

BUT. Im not going to lie to you. Two major issues.  1- The price is way too steep for what you get. Its just not enough product for your money. You can get WAAAAAAAAYYY more bang for your buck at any inner city gas station or convinience store why pay too much and then wait for snail mail to arrive with your tiny little 1g nugs? lol.

2-Second problem is slow burning. Dont even think about rolling(for incense burning reasons) this up alone without something hella dry to blend up with it and make it burn evenly. Otherwise it will not burn at all at first, then you gotta light it a milllion times when you finally DO get it going. SO moral of the story is you’re going to want to use your glass incence burner, particularly the tall one that has a sliding piece. So thats the scoop on that, i will soon also review their other new Domestic Oddities product PRIMO Pure which looks like opium or somthing but is just another form of ‘magical potpourri’ lol.

Ive talked to a few of the guys running the show at DO and they seem to really have it together, they are totally legit as far as delivering what you pay for, and they have a well structured business not some fly-by-night shady opperation. This means consistent quality in the products. But price price price. That kills me. If you wanna try it out google Domestic Oddities or  x.x

By: Jesse

Review LAVA SMOKE disposable e-cigarette



I picked up one of these at that gas station for $15, the guy said it would be good for about 3 packs. So i smoked it and it alone for 2 days and killed it. No more nicotene juice. So idk how lon 500 puffs will last you but for me it was 2 days and i usually smoke a pack of Camel Filters in one day.

The taste is interesting. Its not bad, but some people might not dig it. Its not exactly like smoking a real square taste-wise. The vapor seems a bit sweet, with a TINY bit of cigar taste in there, but nothing gross and barely noticeable. It may have to  be an aquired taste for some, but i picked it right up no problemo.

The sensation, i find to be quite satisfying. Its as close to smoking without actually sucking cancer sticks. It feels very similar to smoking except that the “smoke” is a bit cooler(in temp.)  coming in. It provides a decent little hit in the back of your throat, fills your with a good feeling and exhales tasting a bit different, but fine for me, and i would imagine a LOT of people.
It looks good, designed to look  like the real thing but a wee bit larger, but its not really big at all its fine about the size of a “100” style cigarette in length and like a camel wide in thickness

The claims that it dosnt stink up you/ your clothes/car/house etc. seem to be true.

Now, the thing to understand is, this is not optimal for a stop-smoking crutch. Its for at the bar when you cant smoke because of some gay no smoking restriction. Because of the price, it would not make sense to use these for quitting smoking,  if you want an e-cig for that go online and get one that holds lots of juice aand is not a one-off throw away. LAVA apparently makes a rechargable, i do plan to buy it, but i have not tried it and so cannot report on its performance.

I have since bought my second one for smoking inside places im not supposed to. I recommend the product and give it 4 out of 6 chalupas.

Reviewed by: Jesse

Black Star Disco – Underground Art Zine!!!!1!one

So, this is how it all starts eh? The single step that begins the epic journey.

Well welcome to the first post on a blog/zine called Black Star Disco; a DIY underground art/music and culture zine.


*Method One:

Several ways to submit your work: you can e-mail digital pics and writing mp3s to be reviewed etc to:   vaporspiral~AT~ gmail~DOT~com

I also plan to set up an easy form so you can just copy your writings into the form box and send it right to our desktop with the push of a button, stay tuned.

*Method Two:

You can SNAIL MAIL anything cool that wont get us in trouble

Vapor Spiral c/o Home Bass

Po Box 40121

Bay Village, OH 44140

*Method Three: Call: (440)212-5658 kThx -MGMT